What Is Uterine Synechiae? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Dr. Deboshree Sarkar

Fellow Infertility Specialist
Institute Of Human Reproduction (IHR)

Uterine Synechiae is an acquired uterine condition that occurs when scar tissue forms inside the uterus where the walls of the uterus stick to one another.

What causes Uterine Synechiae?

Trauma to the inner lining of the uterus causes subsequent scarring resulting in adhesion.

  • D&C(cleaning of the uterus) is performed after abortion and delivery.
  • Infection -Endometritis, Tuberculosis

Symptoms of Uterine Synechiae

  • Menstrual irregularities-there is little bleeding, infrequent bleeding, and absence of bleeding.
  • Painful menstruation
  • Inability to conceive
  • Pregnancy loss

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Institute of Human Reproduction

Incepted in the year 1980, IHR is the pioneer in the fields of infertility and endoscopy. Over the past 40 years 20,000+ successful IVF treatments.